Within my ListVeiw item I have 4-8 ImageView(some of them are invisible depended of some value) and 4 TextView.
When I Long click to item of Listview the (AdapterContext
It may not have anything to do with it, but one glaring thing I see right away is:
public Object getItem(int position) {
return position;
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;
Your getItem method is returning an int
of the object's position, not the actual Object
itself as stated in its method declaration.
getMenuInfo() will work on ListAdapter, not on views.
But, You can pass additional data with the tag of the view.
in getView: vi.setTag(position) activity.registerForContextMenu(vi);
declare in Activity private int id;
onCreateContextMenu: id = (int) v.getTag();
onContextItemSelected: you can use the id
You need to register the list for context menu, not the items.
// wrong:
// right: