Need a VBA Sub to find a cell value based on Row and Column ID. In the example below I need to select the value where East and RT3 intersect which is 80.
Use similar to below not tested:
Function getcell(ct as string, rt as string) as range
With activecell
R = .columns("A").find(rt).row
C = .rows("1").find(ct).Column
'The below will escape the function if none where found
If r = nothing or c = nothing then exit function
Set getcell = .cells(r, c)
End with
End function
There are different ways to do this, but one approach is to use a function with parameters. You didn't say how you intent to pass the parameters, so I just used a sub to call the function.
Function GetValue(row As Integer, col As Integer)
GetValue = ActiveSheet.Cells(row, col)
End Function
Sub CallGetValue()
Dim cellval As String
cellval = GetValue(row:=4, col:=4)
MsgBox (cellval)
End Sub