I\'m trying to write a shell script that searches in a file specified as argument $1 for a regex and writes the found subpattern into a variable I can then use.
let\'s s
VALUE=`cat $1 | grep <your regexp here>`
echo $VALUE
this can be used as:
$ ./dosth.sh a.txt
then the found strings are stored in the variable VALUE
You can also give the regexp over by some arguments (asked for the filename by the script):
echo -e "Which file do you want to grep?"
VALUE=`cat $FILENAME | grep $args`
echo $VALUE
which can be used like:
$ ./dosth.sh here comes my * pattern
Maybe this link is helpful for you: Link
value=$( awk -F"'" '$1 == "set output " {print $2}' somefile )
variable=$(sed -n '/^set output/ s/[^\x27]*\x27\([^\x27]*\)\x27/\1/p' "$1")
value=`cat $1 | grep -e 'set output' | cut -d'"' -f 2`
using " instead of ' and the line above does the job.
You could try something along the lines of
value=`grep '^set output' $x | cut -d' ' -f 3`
(Note that you will retain the quotes in $value