I am using SBJson framework (also known as json-framework) for the iOS.
When parsing a certain JSON file, I am getting the following error: -JSONValue failed. E
Have a look at http://www.json.org/ There are some characters that need to be escaped to be properly parsed by JSON. This is the cause. The file is not proper JSON.
I have a great solution for it. Apply this method for remove escaped characters.
-(NSString *)removeUnescapedCharacter:(NSString *)inputStr
NSCharacterSet *controlChars = [NSCharacterSet controlCharacterSet];
NSRange range = [inputStr rangeOfCharacterFromSet:controlChars];
if (range.location != NSNotFound)
NSMutableString *mutable = [NSMutableString stringWithString:inputStr];
while (range.location != NSNotFound)
[mutable deleteCharactersInRange:range];
range = [mutable rangeOfCharacterFromSet:controlChars];
return mutable;
return inputStr;
Call this method with passing your output string like this
NSString *output = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"yourUrlString"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
output = [self removeUnescapedCharacter:output];
If your file is having '\n' or '\r' kind of html qoutes then it may cause error in obj-c. You can add :
[jsonString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\r\n" withString:@"<br />"]
I was having same problem and solved using this.
I guess your file contain an unencoded tab (ascii 0x09
) that should be replaced with \t
according to the json grammar.