I know this may be a repeat question, but all the answers I\'ve found on here are WAY above my head. I\'m very new at Python, but I would like to use NumPy in IDLE (python 3.3.2
If this is a fresh python install:
which python
into a terminal window to make sure that the correct python is selected. I am guessing that this should be /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3
and pip
from https://pypi.python.org
and untar both (can just double click in a osx window).cd ~/Downloads/setuptools-x.x.x
python setup.py install
. pip install numpy
and it will download and install numpy for you.You might want to install everything through a single executable package. A free example can be found here (Anaconda), this includes the entire scipy suite and some extras. You will likely not need the majority of these, but it does include numpy and scipy in a very convenient package.
These should be simple enough instructions for you http://docs.python.org/3/using/mac.html