I have an RGB image that i converted to HSV and my goal is to set every pixel that doesn\'t meet a certain hue value (100) to black. So H = S = V = 0.
I have this code:
You can:
where H channel equals 100, regardless the values of S,V channels (with inRange
to zero according to the mask (with setTo
)Something like:
Mat frame3; // CV_8UC3, HSV image
Mat mask;
inRange(frame3, Scalar(100,0,0), Scalar(100, 255, 255), mask);
frame3.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0), mask);
To keep your code structure, you need to modify the actual value, not a copy of the value. You can do that keeping a reference to the value:
Vec3b& hsv = frame3.at<Vec3b>(i, j);
if (hsv[0] != hue) {
hsv[0] = 0;
hsv[1] = 0;
hsv[2] = 0;