Newbie to Python, started off messing with a DHT11 Temp/Humidity Sensor, a Raspberry Pi 3, and Python 3.
I am using the standard Adafruit DHT11 Library for Python.
Create the Label
once at the start of the program, and save a reference:
the_label = Label (win, text="", fg="black", bg="white", font="36")
the_label.grid(row=0, column=0)
Next, create a function that gets the value and updates the label:
def READ():
global temp
humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(11, 27)
temp = temperature * 9/5.0 + 32
Next, create a new function that calls this function, and then schedules itself t be called again after a delay:
def read_every_second():
root.after(1000, read_every_second)
Finally, call read_every_second
once at the start of your program. It will then run until your program exits.