Having some problems initialising a google map using geocoding. First issue is with any commas being used in the $gmap string, second issue is with getting a \"gmap_initialize i
Did you look at the output of your script?!
My guess is it looks something like:
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': Prague, Czech Republic}, function(results, status) {
In your PHP script, you probably actually want something like:
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': '<?php echo $gmap; ?>'}, function(results, status) {
and you'll probably want to escape single quotes out of the $gmap
This looks like a JavaScript Error. Saying that this function (which looks right) is not defined. Maybe the call to gmap_initialize happens before this definition?
Usually this error comes with JavaScript when something else on the page is not quite right, such as a single missing close tag...
Have you validated the code with W3C?