I read separated images from animated gif and I need just make change with them in frames[i]
and then set them back to file and save with writer as new file.
Tanks @StanislavL for link (https://community.oracle.com/thread/1264385) in comment, it was really helpful. There is my solution:
File file = new File("gif1.gif");
ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix("GIF").next();
ImageInputStream in = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file);
int numImages = reader.getNumImages(true);
BufferedImage[] frames = new BufferedImage[pocetObrazku];
File fileOut = new File("k.gif");
ImageWriter iw = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("gif").next();
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(fileOut);
for (int i = 0; i < numImages ; i++) {
BufferedImage image = reader.read(i);
frames[i] = reader.read(i);
IIOMetadata metadata = reader.getImageMetadata(i);
IIOImage ii = new IIOImage(image, null, metadata);
iw.writeToSequence(ii, (ImageWriteParam) null);