I am converting base-10 numbers to base-2 numbers, and specifying the number of bits I\'d like to use to represent these base-10 numbers.
Here\'s my code for negative nu
You need to reduce largest num when you put a zero in the output array, because you're essentially starting from a binary array of all ones (ie largestNum). This code worked for me:
if decimal > 0
largestNum = (2^(bits-1))-1;
if decimal > largestNum
error('%d cannot be represented in %d bits. Increase the number of bits. ',decimal,bits);
output = '';
% first spot must be zero to show it\'s a positive number
output = '0';
bits = bits - 1;
largestNum = largestNum + 1;
num = largestNum;
while num ~= decimal
num = largestNum - 2^(bits-1);
if num > decimal
output = [output,'0'];
largestNum = largestNum - 2^(bits-1);
if num <= decimal
output = [output,'1'];
bits = bits - 1;
while bits ~= 0
output = [output,'0'];
bits = bits - 1;
I'm not sure what this is for, but I would highly recommend using the built in dec2bin to do this.
you can use this script in matlab:
a=[1 2 3 4;-2 -4 3 4;7 8 9 4];
word_len=5;%with bits of binary word
data = reshape(a', n3, 1);
databin= fi(data,1,5);