How to translate Arabic/Persian numbers to english using Ruby?

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傲寒 2021-01-24 13:21

How can I convert some string that has Arabic/Persian number to English ?

Like if I have :

str1 = \"١۲١۲\"
str2 = \"12١۲\"
str3 = \"some string that con         

  • 2021-01-24 14:09

    Since this is not encoding but translation and assuming your problem limits to only those numbers (0-9), you could write a simple 1-to-1 mapping from arabic to english, something like this:

      arabic_to_english = {
      '٩' => 9,
      '٨' => 8,
      '٧' => 7,
      '٦' => 6,
      '٥' => 5,
      '٤' => 4,
      '٣' => 3,
      '٢' => 2,
      '١' => 1,
      '٠' => 0

    And you just call the hash whenever needed:


    Better if you extract this into a function of course.

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  • 2021-01-24 14:23

    For these one on one transformations the tr-method is very convenient and fast. It has a mutating counterpart in tr!

    #encoding: utf-8
    str1 = "١۲١۲"
    str2 = "12١۲"
    str3 = "some string that contains persian digits like ١۲"
    [str1, str2, str3].each{|str|!('۰١۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹','0123456789')}
    p str1, str2, str3
    #"some string that contains persian digits like 12"
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