I have a situation where an attribute can be created through a JSON API. But once it is created, I want to prevent it from ever being updated.
This constraint causes my
You can use attr_readonly, this will allow the value to be set on creation, but ignored on update.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
attr_readonly :name
> User.create(name: "lorem")
> u = User.first
=> #<User id: 1, name: "lorem">
> u.name = "ipsum"
=> "ipsum"
> u.save
=> true
> User.first.name
=> "lorem"
There is not a nice way to do that as far as I know, you have to write a custom filter
before_update :prevent_attributes_update
def prevent_attribute_updates
%w(attr1, attr2).each do |a|
send("#{attr1}=", send("#{attr1}_was")) unless self.send("#{attr1}_was").blank?