file: dojo/dir1/utils/XmlJsonUtils.js
// Author: Rajat Khandelwal
\"dojo/_base/declare\" // declare
], function(declare){
Your class should not have to have the constructor method defined, dojo.declare is supposed to handle this.. However, doing so doesnt hurt, simply define a blank constructor: function() { }
. I suspect youre facing some sort of bug.
The define is as should be, 'define' is used for the require-scope, when running require(["my.module"]), its expected to have a define
method, which returns the base class via declare
file: dojo/dir1/utils/XmlJsonUtils.js
// requirements
"dir1/utils/Toolkit" // sample in-package dependency
"./Toolkit" // Same as Above
], function (declare) {
// no slash separator, use dot with declare,
// use a reference and return on last line
var Klass = declare(
/// declaredClass: string, moduleUrl with dot-separater + filename /.js//
/// base class: Array(mixins)
/// class scope
_methodMeantToBePrivate: function() { },
randomInstanceMethod: function() { }
); // end declare
// set any aliases, which you want to expose (statics)
Klass.StaticCallable = function() {
// careful with your scope access inhere
// return the declared class to 'define'
return Klass;
}); // end define
This way (you must have a reference, either pulled in with require or getObject), you could use the StaticCallable
function without initializing / constructing an instance of the module. AMD compliant syntax is like so:
require(["dir1/utils/XmlJsonUtils"], function(xmlUtils) {
or if previously required
var xmlUtils = dojo.getObject("dir1.utils.XmlJsonUtils")
A specific example could be a versatile class like the following, where both instance and static access is possible. Base class defines 'tools', derived class defines the variables the 'tools' operate on - and if instantiated, the default topics can be subscribed - [ MessageBusBase | MessageBus ]
The issue: in your code.
return declare("dir1.utils.XmlJsonUtils",[],{
parseXml : function (xml) {
Instead of dir1.utils.XmlJsonUtils
use dir1/utils/XmlJsonUtils
, i.e., use slashes instead of dots in your function declaration.