I am using visual studio at the moment. I need to build a win32 application and need to call a procedure from a C function but I am always getting a build error:
You can build your asm module as DLL.
Its easy to use STDCALL for all this, so instead:
you can use:
.model flat, stdcall
simply create additional to your yourmodule.asm a yourmodule.def file. Within that place these lines:
LIBRARY "yourmodule.dll"
EXPORTS memory_address
then use: ml.exe /c /coff yourmodule.asm Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /DLL /DEF:yourmodule.def yourmodule.obj
In your C++ application then remove:
extern int memory_address(int* ptr);
and add instead:
typedef void*(__stdcall *PTRmemory_address)(int*);
extern PTRmemory_address memory_address = NULL; // init as "NOT PRESENT"
yourmoduleHMODULE = GetModuleHandleA("yourmodule.dll"); // ensure valid file path!
if (!yourmoduleHMODULE)
yourmoduleHMODULE = LoadLibraryA("yourmodule.dll"); // ensure valid file path!
if (yourmoduleHMODULE)
memory_address = (PTRmemory_address)GetProcAddress(yourmoduleHMODULE, "memory_address");
if (!memory_address)
printf("\n Cannot Find function memory_address in yourmodule.dll");
exit(1); // exit application when function in DLL not found
printf("\n yourmodule.dll not found");
exit(1); // exit application when DLL not found
calling your function:
int *ptr = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
if (memory_address) // ensure, that your function is present
printf("\n error");
// ....