I have a file, a.out, which contains a number of lines. Each line is one character only, either the unicode character U+2013
or a lower case letter a-z
I recommend avoiding dodgy grep -P
implementations and use the real thing. This works:
perl -CSD -nle 'print "$.: $_" if /\P{ASCII}/' utfile1 utfile2 utfile3 ...
The -CSD
options says that both the stdio trio (stdin, stdout, stderr) and disk files should be treated as UTF-8 encoded.
The $.
represents the current record (line) number.
The $_
represents the current line.
matches any code point that is not ASCII.
A comment in How Do I grep For all non-ASCII Characters in UNIX gives the answer:
Grep (and family) don't do Unicode processing to merge multi-byte characters into a single entity for regex matching as you seem to want.
That implies that the UTF-8 encoding for U+2013
, 0x80
, 0x93
) is not treated by grep as parts of a single printable character outside the given range.
The GNU grep manual's description of -P does not mention Unicode or UTF-8. Rather, it says Interpret the pattern as a Perl regular expression. (this does not mean that the result is identical to Perl, only that some of the backslash-escapes are similar).
Perl itself can be told to use UTF-8 encoding. However the examples using Perl in Filtering invalid utf8 do not use that feature. Instead, the expressions (like those in the problematic grep) test only the individual bytes -- not the complete character.
gawk can help you for this problem,
here is the awk one-liner:
awk -v FS="" 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<128;i++)ord[sprintf("%c",i)]=i}
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(!($i in ord))print $i}' file
below is a test with gawk:
kent$ cat f
kent$ awk -v FS="" 'BEGIN{for(i=1;i<128;i++)ord[sprintf("%c",i)]=i}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(!($i in ord))print $i}' f