I want to import data from Anedot, a credit card processing firm, using a HTTP GET request from an MS Access program. Anedot uses a RESTful API and has provided help on there we
First of all try to make a request to API using basic authorization. Take a look at the below code as the example:
Sub Test()
' API URL from https://anedot.com/api/v2
sUrl = "https://api.anedot.com/v2/accounts"
' The username is the registered email address of your Anedot account
sUsername = "mymail@example.com"
' The password is your API token
sPassword = "1e56752e8531647d09ec8ab20c311ba928e54788"
sAuth = TextBase64Encode(sUsername & ":" & sPassword, "us-ascii") ' bXltYWlsQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tOjFlNTY3NTJlODUzMTY0N2QwOWVjOGFiMjBjMzExYmE5MjhlNTQ3ODg=
' Make the request
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", sUrl, False
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sAuth
Debug.Print .ResponseText
Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders
End With
End Sub
Function TextBase64Encode(sText, sCharset) ' 05 10 2016
Dim aBinary
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = 2 ' adTypeText
.Charset = sCharset ' "us-ascii" for bytes to unicode
.WriteText sText
.Position = 0
.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
aBinary = .Read
End With
With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM").CreateElement("objNode")
.DataType = "bin.base64"
.NodeTypedValue = aBinary
TextBase64Encode = Replace(Replace(.Text, vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
End With
End Function
Put your credentials to sUsername
and sPassword
variables, choose the appropriate URL from API help page and put it to sURL
. Then you can parse JSON response from the server (currently you will see the response for /v2/accounts
request in Immediate window).
It's a fairly lengthy question to be honest, but lets start with some code to get you going.
This Class Module ("clsXMLHttpMonitor
") should help:
Option Explicit
Dim RequestedVar As String
Dim P As Object
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal uXMLHttpRequest As Object, Optional RequestedValue As String = "")
RequestedVar = RequestedValue
Set XMLHttpReq = uXMLHttpRequest
End Sub
Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
If XMLHttpReq.ReadyState = 4 Then
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
'Process the response here
Debug.Print "200 recieved"
Set P = JSON.parse(XMLHttpReq.responseText)
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 404 Then
'Handle it
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function returnResponseHeaders() As String
returnResponseHeaders = XMLHttpReq.getAllResponseHeaders
End Function
Function returnFullText() As String
If XMLHttpReq.ReadyState = 4 Then
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
returnFullText = XMLHttpReq.responseText
returnFullText = "-1"
End If
returnFullText = ""
End If
End Function
End Function
Use it like this:
Set XMLHttpReq = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Set XMLHttpMon = New clsXMLHttpMonitor
XMLHttpMon.Initialize XMLHttpReq
XMLHttpReq.OnReadyStateChange = XMLHttpMon
XMLHttpReq.Open "POST", URL, True
XMLHttpReq.Send strPayload
As you seem to request a Json response from a URL, you can study the Json modules here for a full implementation that collects the Json response in a collection, which you then can use in your code or save to a table. See the demo module for examples: