Following is my collection, along with data:
var data = new List>();
data.Add(new Dictionary
Here is a class that you can use to chain comparers. It will accept a sequence of comparers and then to compare each item it uses each of the comparers, in order, returning the value of the first non-zero comparison, or zero if they're all zero.
You can use this to take all of the comparers that you have and create a single comparer that you can pass to a single call to Sort
or whatever you need the single comparer for.
public class ComparerChain<T> : IComparer<T>
private IEnumerable<IComparer<T>> comparers;
public ComparerChain(IEnumerable<IComparer<T>> comparers)
this.comparers = comparers;
public int Compare(T x, T y)
return comparers.Select(comparer => comparer.Compare(x, y))
.FirstOrDefault(result => result != 0);
On a side note, your OrderBy
based method can be re-written to both only iterate the source sequence once, instead of three times, and also avoid much of the duplication:
public static IEnumerable<Dictionary<object, object>> Sort(
this IEnumerable<Dictionary<object, object>> data,
IEnumerable<OrderClause> orderClauseList)
var ordered = data.OrderBy(_ => 1);
return orderClauseList.Aggregate(ordered, (current, orderClause) =>
? current.ThenBy(d => d[orderClause.ColumnName])
: current.ThenByDescending(d => d[orderClause.ColumnName]));