I\'m using Gatling.io to test a website. I have a scenario with multiple virtual users.
val users = scenario(\"Users\").exec(Session.browse)
val admins = scenari
I think the default Gatling answer for this is to create the session and persist it in a file of some kind and in a new simulation read that value and have the users pick it up. 'Fanning out' is not really a scenario Gatling supports in a single simulation.
That said, you can fudge it if you really want - particularly if you just need one quick execution by the Admin user and you're prepared to define your scenarios within your simulation file.
class simulation extends Simulation {
private var mySession = "NOT_SET"
val users = scenario("Users").exec(Session.browse)
val admins = scenario("Admins").exec(Session.create)
as part of the 'Admins' scenario save the value of your session into the 'mySession' var
as part of the users' scenario set a session variable from the 'mySession' var
then run your simulation something like...
nothingFor(1 minutes), //enough time for admins to complete
atOnceUsers(10) //or however many you need
it works ok for quick and dirty data seeding, but you're really cutting against the grain of how Gatling is designed.