I\'m looking for a workaround for .mousemove() method on Chrome. It\'s a known issue.
Chrome keeps firing mousemove repeatedly even if the mouse is still.
I can\
Still got the Problem in Chrome Version 29.0.1547.66 m and searched for a "real" solution. Nothing found so far. Like you said, i start to write a function to check if the mouse are really moved or not.
Specially, you can change some settings for your own needs.
var my_mouseMovements = {
readNewPos : true, //indicates if time since last check are elapsed
oldPos : [0,0], //pos from the last check
minX_Distance: 10, //only look at movements thats are big enough(px)
minY_Distance: 10, //only look at movements thats are big enough(px)
timeBetweenEachCheck : 100, //Just checking every x ms for movements
saveNewPos : function(pos,callback){
if(this.readNewPos === true)
this.readNewPos = false;
var xDistance = pos[0] - this.oldPos[0];
var yDistance = pos[1] - this.oldPos[1];
//Just making the distances positive
xDistance = xDistance < 0 ? -xDistance : xDistance;
yDistance = yDistance < 0 ? -yDistance : yDistance;
//Check if mouse moved more then expected distance
if(xDistance >= this.minX_Distance || yDistance >= this.minY_Distance)
console.log("Mouse has moved a lot since last check!");
if(callback !== undefined)
this.oldPos = pos;
var that = this;
//reset readNewPos after a while
that.readNewPos = true;
else //Just for debug right now
console.log("the last time was not far away");