I am trying to check if todays date is between START and STOP date of a period, Winter, summer, spring etc..
and if the todays date is between, lets say.. the winter per
If you use DateTime object—which is by far the best approach—you are able to compare these with the regular comparators, e.g.:
$date1 = new DateTime('today');
$date2 = new DateTime('2014-04-04');
if ($date1 < $date2) echo 'Past';
else if ($date1 == $date2) echo 'Present';
else echo 'Future';
See documentation: http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.diff.php#example-2368
You can stick with timestamps. Don't convert back to dates. You are making invalid comparisons such as the assumption that 30-01 is less than 28-02. The computer will compare the very first 3 to the 2 and tell you that 30-01 is CORRECTLY greater than 28-02. So...
$startSummer = mktime(0,0,0, 6, 1, 2000); // The year doesn't matter according to your code
$endSummer = mktime(0,0,0, 8, 31, 2000);
Now, is some date between those? Assume I am checking $month and $day...
$myday = mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, 2000);
if($myday>=$startSummer && $myday<=$endSummer) $season = "Summer";
Remember that a variable can be overwritten - just as the year progresses through the seasons, your variable can as well - as long as we do it in order we'll end up on the correct one. This means we only have to test if our date is after the date that a season changes.
// Since we're testing today's date
// we use the current year timestamps
$year = date('Y');
$startSpring = strtotime("$year-03-01");
$startSummer = strtotime("$year-06-01");
$startAutum = strtotime("$year-09-01");
$startWinter = strtotime("$year-12-01");
$today = time();
// The year starts with Winter
$season = 'Winter';
if($today > $startSpring) $season = 'Spring'; // Past the 1st day of spring?
if($today > $startSummer) $season = 'Summer'; // Etc...
if($today > $startAutumn) $season = 'Autumn';
if($today > $startWinter) $season = 'Winter';
echo 'It is currently '.$season;
Here's the same logic cleaned up in a pretty function that will check any date for you and return the season:
// Accepts an optional unix timestamp
// Uses the current date by default
function getSeason($test_date=FALSE){
$test_date = $test_date ? $test_date : time();
// Use the year of the date we're testing
$year = date('Y', $test_date);
// The year starts with Winter
$season = 'Winter';
if($test_date > strtotime("$year-03-01")) $season = 'Spring'; // Past the 1st day of spring?
if($test_date > strtotime("$year-06-01")) $season = 'Summer'; // Etc...
if($test_date > strtotime("$year-09-01")) $season = 'Autumn';
if($test_date > strtotime("$year-12-01")) $season = 'Winter';
return $season;