I will have a table
ID Name Country
1 Anna Singapore
2 Brad UK
3 Cassie US
declare @place varchar(20);
set @place=\'US\';
select * from Tab
For this simple case in your question just use
IF ( @place IS NULL )
FROM table1
FROM table1
WHERE country = @place
If your actual situation is more complex you could use
select *
from Table1
where @place is null or country=@place
option (recompile)
The reason for needing the recompile
hint is to avoid having a single plan catering for both cases and doing an unnecessary scan in the event that you do supply an explicit value.
These, and other alternatives such as generating the query dynamically, are discussed in detail in the article Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL
and =
are equivalent in your situation because you are dealing with text (char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar) values.
Instead of
WHERE country = @place
WHERE country like @place
For the variable set try Instead of
set @place='US'
set @country = isnull('''US''','''%''')
To test this:
declare @country nvarchar(50)
set @country = isnull('''US''','''%''')
print @Country
set @country = isnull(NULL,'''%''')
print @Country
The extra quotes are necessary because in your example you are using explicit values - '
is an escape character and you need a single quote around each value to signify it is NOT a table column. If you were using the COLUMN_NAME you would simply use a single quote around the % character.
Depending on your SQL version you may have to use a different wildcard character. This is fairly a fairly direct and linear solution, although there are risks associated with open variables.