I have a struct like this one:
type ProductionInfo struct {
StructA []Entry
type Entry struct {
Field1 string
Field2 int
I wou
Multiple errors. Let's iterate over them.
First, you pass a value of ProductionInfo
and not a value of Entry
whose field you want to modify, so first change it to:
SetField(source.StructA[0], "Field1", "NEW_VALUE")
Next, you are passing a (non-pointer) value. You can't modify the fields of a non-pointer struct with reflection, because that would only modify a copy which would be discarded. In order to avoid this (and further confusion), this is not allowed (CanSet()
returns false
). So you have to pass a pointer to the struct:
SetField(&source.StructA[0], "Field1", "NEW_VALUE")
Now inside SetField()
the reflect.ValueOf(source)
will describe the passed pointer. You may use Value.Elem() to navigate to the reflect.Value of the pointed object (the struct value):
v := reflect.ValueOf(source).Elem()
And now it works. Modified code:
func SetField(source interface{}, fieldName string, fieldValue string) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(source).Elem()
if v.FieldByName(fieldName).CanSet() {
func main() {
source := ProductionInfo{}
source.StructA = append(source.StructA, Entry{Field1: "A", Field2: 2})
fmt.Println("Before: ", source.StructA[0])
SetField(&source.StructA[0], "Field1", "NEW_VALUE")
fmt.Println("After: ", source.StructA[0])
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Before: {A 2}
After: {NEW_VALUE 2}