the results look like this but wher the column name says \'Today\' I want it to be todays date.
Try this technique:
declare @dt datetime
declare @sql varchar(100)
set @dt = getdate()
set @sql = 'select 1 as [ ' + convert( varchar(25),@dt,120) + ']'
exec (@sql)
In your Case:
declare @dt datetime
declare @sql varchar(100)
set @dt = getdate()
set @sql = 'select 0 as [ ' + convert( varchar(25),@dt,120) + ']'
exec (@sql)
I would return an integer representing a day offset and parse it in the client, failing that you are going to have to use dynamic SQL or do something with the underlying column name itself;;
declare @sql nvarchar(128) = '
0 as [' + cast(getdate() as nvarchar(32)) + ']
from T'
declare @now varchar(32) = cast(getdate() as varchar(32))
--result to temp table
select col1, col2, 0 as [Now] into #T from TheTable
--rename col
exec tempdb..sp_rename '#T.Now', @now, 'COLUMN'
select * from #T