I am trying to make an application where one can build newsletters in real time by dragging dropping divs and editing them. To sort divs I am using jquery.sortable(), these divs
Tinymce does not like it to have an editor moved around in the dom. Afterwards the editor won't work anymore.
The way to proceed here is to shut down a tinymce instance before its root element (i.e. textarea or div) gets moved to another location in the dom. After the dislocation you may reinit the editor as usual.
// Save the tinymce content to Textarea
//Disabling the text area
var textareaId = [PUT YOUR TEXTAREA ID HERE];
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceRemoveEditor", false, textareaId);
// Moving code - Your code may be different
//reinitiate tinyMCE - custom initTinyMCE function, you can do your way