In previous Version of Spark like 1.6.1, i am using creating Cassandra Context using spark Context,
import org.apache.spark.{ Logging, SparkContext, SparkConf }
Short Answer: You don't. It has been deprecated and removed.
Long Answer: You don't want to. The HiveContext provides everything except for the catalogue and supports a much wider range of SQL(HQL~). In Spark 2.0 this just means you will need to manually register Cassandra tables use createOrReplaceTempView until an ExternalCatalogue is implemented.
In Sql this looks like
spark.sql("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE words
|USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra
| table "words",
| keyspace "test")""".stripMargin)
In the raw DF api it looks like
.options(Map("keyspace" -> "test", "table" -> "words"))
Both of these commands will register the table "words" for SQL queries.