I am new to both Polymer and Leaflet\'s web component.
I would like to have a button that toggles the geolocation function given by Leaflet. Using Leaflet in a Javascri
My solution does not use map.locate explicitly. This was not needed, as map.locate is enabled by adding the leaflet-geolocation element.
I removed the latitude and longitude property from the leaflet-map element (and added a few other parameters):
id="nycmap" zoom="14"
Then I added a one-time listener to the registration of the leaflet-map element (leaflet-core.html), so that if geolocation is enabled, the map will zoom to that location, and if it is not it will zoom to a default center point. 'geoB' is a button that toggles the geolocation function:
map.addOneTimeEventListener('locationfound', function (e){
console.log("get to located found?");
map.setView(L.latLng(e.latitude, e.longitude), 14);
var geo = document.getElementById('geoB');
var state = geo.classList.toggle('toggleState');
}, this);
map.on('locationerror', function(e){
console.log("get to located error?");
map.setView(L.latLng(40.6889, -73.9444), 14);
}, this);
I added another function to the leaflet-map element so that I can pass the current latitude and longitude to the element and zoom to that point, on the click on the geolocation button:
setToPoint: function(newLat, newLong){
if (this.map && !this._ignoreViewChange) {
this.async(function() {
this.map.setView(L.latLng(newLat, newLong), this.zoom, {pan: {animate: true}});
Finally, this function is called in an event listener in the geoButton element, which references the leaflet-geolocation element:
nycmap.setToPoint(locator.latitude, locator.longitude);