We had a requirement to copy data from one company to another, for this we need to replicate all the data present in one table into the same table but with a different company i
You could use this:
WITH tmp_table AS
SELECT o.id AS id_old, n.id AS id_new
FROM combovalues o
INNER JOIN combovalues n
ON o.fieldname = n.fieldname AND o.fieldvalue = n.fieldvalue
WHERE o.companyid = 1 AND n.companyid = 2
INSERT INTO employee (fname, department, catid, companyid)
SELECT fname, d.id_new, c.id_new, 2
FROM employee e
LEFT JOIN tmp_table d
ON e.department = d.id_old
LEFT JOIN tmp_table c
ON e.catid = c.id_old
WHERE companyid = 1;
Tested in rextester