The xpath is going to be a long one so brace yourself:
count(//tr[preceding-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']][count(.|//tr[following-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']])=count(//tr[following-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']])])
To select the actual nodes and not have just the count, simply remove the first count :
//tr[preceding-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']][count(.|//tr[following-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']])=count(//tr[following-sibling::tr/td[@class = 'd2']])]
There are various things happening here notably:
- Select start node by selecting preceding sibling's child node tr/td with id='2'
- Select end node by selecting following sibling's child node tr/td with id='2'
- Use kaycian method : to get the intersection between the two nodes.