I know it\'s probably something easy but i\'m struggling really hard with this.
Problem description:
I have a text file with coordinates in format:
1 2
3 7
... <
There's an easy way to encode a 2-dimensional array of size M
into a 1-dimensional array of size M*N
, for example:
A[p,q] ↔ B[p+q*M]
For our task: we'll fix M
and N
from the beginning, set all the array terms to .
and then read the file to set the corresponding fields to X
[[ $1 && -f $1 && -r $1 ]] || { printf >&2 'arg must be readable file.\n'; exit; }
for ((i=0; i<M*N; ++i)); do
array+=( '.' )
while read -r x y; do
[[ $x && $y ]] || continue
[[ $x = +([[:digit:]]) && $y = +([[:digit:]]) ]] || continue
(( x<M && y<N )) || continue
done < "$geneFile"
# print to stdout
for((i=0;i<N;++i)); do
printf '%s' "${array[@]:i*M:M}" $'\n'
With your data, output is:
In this case, another possibility is to use a string instead of an array (details left to the reader or to another answerer).
Note: the loop that reads the file silently discards malformed lines.