3d Matrix to 2d Matrix matlab

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灰色年华 2021-01-24 01:09

I am using Matlab R2014a.

I have a 3-dimensional M x N x M matrix A. I would like a vectorized way to extract a 2 dimensional matrix B from it, such that for each i,j I

  • 2021-01-24 01:46

    You can employ the best tool for vectorization, bsxfun here -

    B = A(bsxfun(@plus,[1:M]',M*(0:N-1)) + M*N*(g-1))

    Explanation: Breaking it down to two steps

    Step #1: Calculate the indices corresponding to the first two dimensions (rows and columns) of A -


    Step #2: Add the offset needed to include the dim-3 indices being supplied by g and index into A with those indices to get our desired output -

    A(bsxfun(@plus,[1:M]',M*(0:N-1)) + M*N*(g-1))


    Here's a quick benchmark test to compare this bsxfun based approach against the ndgrid + sub2ind based solution as presented in Luis's solution with M and N as 100.

    The benchmarking code using tic-toc would look something like this -

    M = 100;
    N = 100;
    A = rand(M,N,M);
    g = randi(M,M,N);
    num_runs = 5000; %// Number of iterations to run each approach
    %// Warm up tic/toc.
    for k = 1:50000
        tic(); elapsed = toc();
    disp('-------------------- With BSXFUN')
    for iter = 1:num_runs
        B1 = A(bsxfun(@plus,[1:M]',M*(0:N-1)) + M*N*(g-1));  %//'
    toc, clear B1
    disp('-------------------- With NDGRID + SUB2IND')
    for iter = 1:num_runs
        [ii, jj] = ndgrid(1:M, 1:N);
        B2 = A(sub2ind([M N M], ii, jj, g));

    Here's the runtime results -

    -------------------- With BSXFUN
    Elapsed time is 2.090230 seconds.
    -------------------- With NDGRID + SUB2IND
    Elapsed time is 4.133219 seconds.


    As you can see bsxfun based approach works really well, both as a vectorized approach and good with performance too.

    Why is bsxfun better here -

    • bsxfun does replication of offsetted elements and adding them, both on-the-fly.

    • In the other solution, ndgrid internally makes two function calls to repmat, thus incurring the function call overheads. At the next step, sub2ind spends time in adding the offsets to get the linear indices, bringing in another function call overhead.

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  • 2021-01-24 02:01

    Try using sub2ind. This assumes g is defined as an MxN matrix with possible values 1, ..., M:

    [ii, jj] = ndgrid(1:M, 1:N);
    B = A(sub2ind([M N M], ii, jj, g));
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