I would like to Convert a BitmapImage to a Grayscale BitmapImage: Which I get from a method and therefore - the Width and Height are unknown to me. I have tried looking into opt
The Algorithm is pretty simple:
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.IO;
private WriteableBitmap ConvertToGrayScale(BitmapImage source)
WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(source); // create the WritableBitmap using the source
int[] grayPixels = new int[wb.PixelWidth * wb.PixelHeight];
// lets use the average algo
for (int x = 0; x < wb.Pixels.Length; x++)
// get the pixel
int pixel = wb.Pixels[x];
// get the component
int red = (pixel & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int blue = (pixel & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int green = (pixel & 0x000000FF);
// get the average
int average = (byte)((red + blue + green) / 3);
// assign the gray values keep the alpha
grayPixels[x] = (int)((pixel & 0xFF000000) | average << 16 | average << 8 | average);
// copy grayPixels back to Pixels
Buffer.BlockCopy(grayPixels, 0, wb.Pixels, 0, (grayPixels.Length * 4));
return wb;
private BitmapImage ConvertWBtoBI(WriteableBitmap wb)
BitmapImage bi;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
wb.SaveJpeg(ms, wb.PixelWidth, wb.PixelHeight, 0, 100);
bi = new BitmapImage();
return bi;
<Image x:Name="myImage" Source="/Assets/AlignmentGrid.png" Stretch="None" />
private void PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WriteableBitmap wb = ConvertToGrayScale((BitmapImage)this.myImage.Source);
BitmapImage bi = ConvertWBtoBI(wb);
myImage.Source = bi;
Code in Action:
You can't write to a BitmapImage: you'll need to convert it to a WriteableBitmap. Once you have a WriteableBitmap it's easy to access the buffer and convert the pixels to GreyScale.
WriteableBitmaps and BitmapImages both work very similarly since they are both BitmapSources. You can add them to the same List if you create your List as a List rather than List
It is unlikely the app will do anything with the List's contents that require the contents to be BitmapImages rather than BitmapSources.
Not sure of the namespaces here but something like this may work:
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
FormatConvertedBitmap bitmapGreyscale = new FormatConvertedBitmap(bitmap, PixelFormats.Gray8, BitmapPalettes.Gray256, 0.0);