Child actions are not allowed to perform redirect actions. (Using PartialViews)

前端 未结 4 1700
隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-24 00:26

I\'m trying to load my partial view with some data from database, but I\'m getting following issue when I run the application:

Child actions are not allo

  • 2021-01-24 01:02

    At the end I decided to skip my PartialViewResult method from a controller and do it on another way, because I've allready lost 2 days trying to find an answer and it wasn't there, but something else seems to be working, and it was this:


    What I did there was next, I called directly GetUnreadEmaisByUserId method from my BussinesLogic part, and everything worked like charm.

    And what we might do here to make this solution better is next:

    In case we dont have a "main model" we could store that in a ViewBag, calling this from a MessageController/Email controller method

    ViewBag.lstUnreadEmail‌s = E‌​mailController.Get‌‌​​Un‌​readEmailsByUserId(U‌​ser.Id);
    And in the View use this
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  • 2021-01-24 01:18

    The error is pretty explicit. Child actions cannot issue redirects. This is because, while child actions look like regular actions, they are in fact rendered in a separate process and cannot modify the actual response (which a redirect would require).

    In your actual child action code, you're not returning a redirect, so that means you must have an action filter being applied to the child action that is issuing the redirect. In particular, you should avoid using things like Authorize or RequireHttps on child actions, as those work by using redirects, which again, a child action cannot do. If the child action is in a controller that is decorated with Authorize, it should be marked with AllowAnonymous.

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  • 2021-01-24 01:21

    Usually it happens when child Action has errors, because exception gets thrown and MVC trying redirect user to error page. In your case it is trying to find view named "Error, not found!", which probably you don't have. Try run Action as itself first, and check if logic works. Then put your view _UnreadEmails.cshtml in Manage Controller Views folder, and modify the code:

    public PartialViewResult UnReadEmails()
       if (User.Id != null)
          List<Emails> resultList = EmailController.GetUnreadEmailsByUserId(User.Id);
           return PartialView("_UnReadEmails", resultList);
       return PartialView("_UnReadEmails" new List<Emails>());

    Sometimes empty List means that nothing was found. OR:

    public ActionResult UnReadEmails()
       if (User.Id != null)
          List<Emails> resultList = EmailController.GetUnreadEmailsByUserId(User.Id);
           return PartialView("_UnReadEmails", resultList);
       return Content("Error, not found!");
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  • 2021-01-24 01:24

    Hi you may try by changing this line @Html.Action("UnreadEmails", "Message") to like this @{Html.Action("Category","Home");}

    if the above doesnt work there are three other ways to render the partial view in mvc. those are


    you make use any one of the above and get your solution.

    Good example with comparision can be found here:

    Hope it was helpful,kindly let me know your thoughts or feedbacks

    Thanks Karthik

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