I want to replace value inside a tag in an xml file using sed.
I want to replace xxxx-SS with some she
You may try to use awk
, it would more simple to achieve what you desire,
$ cp test.xml test_orig.xml
$ awk '/<version> xxxx-SS <\/version>/{gsub(/<version> xxxx-SS <\/version>/,"<version> $ver </version>",$0)}1' test_orig.xml > test.xml
$ cat test.xml
<version> $ver </version>
$ rm test_orig.xml
The command would substitute xxxx-SS
to test
(modify the var value to what you want)
Using xml/html parsers is the right way to manipulate xml/html documents. Don't use sed/awk tools for such cases.
xmlstarlet solution:
xmlstarlet ed -u "//version[1]" -v $ver test.xml
- edit mode
- update action
- xpath expression to select the first version
-v $ver
- the new value for selected node