How to use JAXB APIs to generate classes from xsd?

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南笙 2021-01-23 22:14

I need to generate bean classes from .xsd without using xjc command or ant. i have found the implementation in Apache Axis2 but i am unable to generate the artifacts.


  • 2021-01-23 23:07

    While I haven't tried Axis2's XJC, I tried Sun's and I am pretty sure that your URL for the schema is wrong: You need three slashes (since the "authority" part is left out since it's a local resource with an absolute path)

    Or, even simpler, construct a File and call toURI() on it, like this:

    SchemaCompiler sc = XJC.createSchemaCompiler();
    File file = new File("D:\\my-dir\\my-schema.xsd");
    sc.setErrorListener(... );
    sc.parseSchema(new InputSource(file.toURI().toString()));
    S2JJAXBModel model = sc.bind();
    JCodeModel cm = model.generateCode(null, null); File("."));

    This produced the desired files for me. You need tools.jar on the classpath. Happy code generation!

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  • 2021-01-23 23:17
        SchemaCompiler sc = XJC.createSchemaCompiler();
        File file = null;
        file = new File("Item.xsd");
        sc.parseSchema(new InputSource(file.toURI().toString()));
        S2JJAXBModel model = sc.bind();
        JCodeModel cm = model.generateCode(null, null); File("."));

    //I am having Item.xsd in local directory and this code has generated classes. If i remove this xsd locally will get null pointer exception. Also note i am having my jaxb related jars in Java Build path of eclipse project.

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