Where are literal strings placed and why can I return pointers to them?

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有刺的猬 2021-01-23 22:26

I stumbled upon this function in an answer to this question:

/* Note: I\'ve formatted the code for readability. */
const char * getString() {
    const char *x =         

  • 2021-01-23 22:31

    In C, string literals have static storage duration. Your code is logically equivalent to:

    const char * getString() {
        static const char literal[] = "abcstring";
        const char *x = literal;
        return x;

    with the exception that in the version with the string literal, the storage for the string could overlap with the storage of other string literals.

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  • 2021-01-23 22:35

    It varies per ABI, but on x86 they're in static memory/DATA page, pointed to by the DS register.

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  • 2021-01-23 22:55

    As an addendum to most of the other answers, you can look at the assembler the compiler generates (e.g. by passing -S to GCC) to see how they are stored. Putting your function into a file by itself, we find that GCC basically generates (I've removed some irrelevant stuff):

    .section        .rodata
            .string "abcstring"
            .globl  getString
            .type   getString, @function
            # load the address of ".LC0" which is the start of the "abcstring"
            movl    $.LC0, %eax 

    So the string is stored in the .rodata section ("read-only data"), not on the stack and so it has a "global" address (and is always in scope).

    Similarly, the string literal in myfunc("thisisastring") is also placed into a .rodata section, and is not on the stack.

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