I have a site that uses wordpress for community purposes, it is installed under subdirectory \"mysite/community\" but when I try to call wordpress functions into \"mysite\" I ca
Cookies can contain a Path, this is probably what you are looking for: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Additional_Defined_Constants
To allow the cookie for all path on the domain, use define('COOKIEPATH',"/");
You can also set the cookie domain in wp-config.php: http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Set_Cookie_Domain
Use ".example.com"
to allow the cookie for all subdomains of example.com.
This plugin does exactly that, http://wordpress.org/plugins/root-cookie/
Although I highly recommend yscik's solution to edit wp-config, in case you do not have access to the wp-config.php you can use this plugin.