I am getting IP and MAC of the PC for socket connection but the problem is in PC there are 2 3 adapters for network interface like I have Wi-fi and LAN also so sometime it\'s gi
You are probably reading the IPv6
Or, if the Ethernet interface OperationalStatus
is Up but not connected - possibly because of a missing DHCP reference, the Automatic Private IP Address with a Link Layer Suffix (e.g.
One possible way to determine whether the IP Address is a working IP, is testing the IsDnsEligible property of the UnicastIPAddressInformation class, which can be accessed using the NetworkInterface GetIPProperties() method.
This will exclude all non-routable addresses (Private, Loopback etc.).
Also, if you know that your connection will have to use a specific transport (Ethernet, WiFi, Tunnel, Atm etc.), you can also test the NetworkInterface
NetworkInterfaceType property. See the enumeration values: NetworkInterfaceType Enumeration.
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
NetworkInterface[] Interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
//Get all the IPv4 addresses
List<NetworkInterface> IPV4Interfaces = Interfaces
.Where(IF => (IF.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4)))
//Utility list which collects informations on all the IPv4 interfaces
List<NetWorkInterfacesInfo> NetInterfacesInfo = IPV4Interfaces.Select(IF => new NetWorkInterfacesInfo()
Name = IF.Name,
Description = IF.Description,
Status = IF.OperationalStatus,
Speed = IF.Speed,
InterfaceType = IF.NetworkInterfaceType,
MAC = IF.GetPhysicalAddress(),
DnsServers = IF.GetIPProperties().DnsAddresses.Select(ipa => ipa).ToList(),
IPAddresses = IF.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses.Select(ipa => ipa.Address).ToList(),
Gateways = IF.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses.Select(ipa => ipa.Address).ToList(),
DHCPEnabled = IF.GetIPProperties().GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled,
BytesSent = IF.GetIPStatistics().BytesSent,
BytesReceived = IF.GetIPStatistics().BytesReceived
//Utility container class for the NetInterfacesInfo list
public class NetWorkInterfacesInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public PhysicalAddress MAC { get; set; }
public List<IPAddress> IPAddresses { get; set; }
public List<IPAddress> DnsServers { get; set; }
public List<IPAddress> Gateways { get; set; }
public bool DHCPEnabled { get; set; }
public OperationalStatus Status { get; set; }
public NetworkInterfaceType InterfaceType { get; set; }
public Int64 Speed { get; set; }
public Int64 BytesSent { get; set; }
public Int64 BytesReceived { get; set; }
Now you can identify a valid/routable IP Address filtering the list:
//Extract the Dns Eligible IP addresses
if (IPV4Interfaces != null)
List<UnicastIPAddressInformation> RoutableIpAddresses =
IPV4Interfaces.Select(IF => IF.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses.Last())
.Where(UniIP => UniIP.IsDnsEligible).ToList();
Or use more filters to select, for example, all routable IP Addresses with a Wireless transport:
if (IPV4Interfaces != null)
List<UnicastIPAddressInformation> RoutableIpAddresses =
IPV4Interfaces.Where(IF => IF.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Wireless80211)
.Select(IF => IF.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses.Last())
.Where(UniIP => UniIP.IsDnsEligible).ToList();