I have a flat map of type Map
from which I would like to restore the original value tree Map
. Elements of t
Iterate over flat map keys and restore original tree. For each key left to right find delimiter characters:
- nested object is a map. The next number is the key in the map.:
- nested object is a list. The next number is the index in the list (starts fom 1
).Then recursively process nested objects, shifting to the right by the key of the flat map:
public static void main(String[] args) {
TreeMap<String, String> flatMap = new TreeMap<String, String>() {{
put("1999.3:1", "23");
put("1999.3:2", "24");
put("1999.3:3", "25");
put("1999.4:1", "1");
put("1999.4:2", "2");
put("1999.4:3.10", "42");
put("2001.11.7:1", "23");
put("2001.11.7:2", "24");
put("2001.11.7:3", "25");
put("2001.11.9:1", "1");
put("2001.11.9:2", "2");
put("2001.11.9:3", "3");
put("2001.12", "45");
TreeMap<String, Object> originalMap = new TreeMap<>();
flatMap.forEach((key, value) -> processMap(key, value, originalMap));
private static void processMap(String flatMapKey,
String flatMapValue,
Map<String, Object> map) {
int dot = flatMapKey.indexOf('.');
int colon = flatMapKey.indexOf(':');
// nested map
if (dot > -1 && (dot < colon || colon == -1)) {
String key = flatMapKey.substring(0, dot);
Object nestedMap = map.get(key);
if (nestedMap == null) {
map.put(key, new TreeMap<>());
nestedMap = map.get(key);
processMap(flatMapKey.substring(dot + 1),
flatMapValue, (Map<String, Object>) nestedMap);
// nested list
else if (colon > -1 && (colon < dot || dot == -1)) {
String key = flatMapKey.substring(0, colon);
Object nestedList = map.get(key);
if (nestedList == null) {
map.put(key, new ArrayList<>());
nestedList = map.get(key);
processList(flatMapKey.substring(colon + 1),
flatMapValue, (List<Object>) nestedList);
// insert value
else if (dot == colon) {
map.put(flatMapKey, flatMapValue);
private static void processList(String flatMapKey,
String flatMapValue,
List<Object> list) {
int dot = flatMapKey.indexOf('.');
int colon = flatMapKey.indexOf(':');
// nested map
if (dot > -1 && (dot < colon || colon == -1)) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(flatMapKey.substring(0, dot));
while (list.size() < index) {
Object nestedMap = list.get(index - 1);
if (nestedMap == null) {
list.set(index - 1, new TreeMap<>());
nestedMap = list.get(index - 1);
processMap(flatMapKey.substring(dot + 1),
flatMapValue, (Map<String, Object>) nestedMap);
// nested list
else if (colon > -1 && (colon < dot || dot == -1)) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(flatMapKey.substring(0, colon));
while (list.size() < index) {
Object nestedList = list.get(index - 1);
if (nestedList == null) {
list.set(index - 1, new ArrayList<>());
nestedList = list.get(index - 1);
processList(flatMapKey.substring(colon + 1),
flatMapValue, (List<Object>) nestedList);
// insert value
else if (dot == colon) {
int index = Integer.parseInt(flatMapKey);
while (list.size() < index) {
list.set(index - 1, flatMapValue);
Flat map:
{1999.3:1=23, 1999.3:2=24, 1999.3:3=25, 1999.4:1=1, 1999.4:2=2, 1999.4:3.10=42,
2001.11.7:1=23, 2001.11.7:2=24, 2001.11.7:3=25,
2001.11.9:1=1, 2001.11.9:2=2, 2001.11.9:3=3, 2001.12=45}
Original tree:
{1999={3=[23, 24, 25], 4=[1, 2, {10=42}]},
2001={11={7=[23, 24, 25], 9=[1, 2, 3]}, 12=45}}