I am desperately attempting to guess how the localized filename for photos can be retrieved given the path to that file. For instance, given the path
I'm not sure about this case specifically (I've never encountered localized filenames in that form) but the only officially supported way I know of to get the localized filenames for system directories and the standard Windows applets, etc., is to use IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf.
So briefly, you need to get a PIDL for the file (SHParseDisplayName), bind to its parent folder (SHBindToParent), and then query for the display name using the SHGDN_INFOLDER flag.
Addendum: An even easier way (which I completely forgot about) is to use SHGetFileInfo to get the display name with the SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME flag. This means you don't need to muck around with PIDLs. SHGetFileInfo is essentially a wrapper around the various shell COM classes like IShellFolder - either way, the key is to use the shell to get the display name rather than the underlying API functions.