I just simply want to know that does culling affect the animation cause i have some culled animation object which some time work and some time not as I move my camera in the sce
After working a 4/5 days on this issue, Finally I got the answer(silly me).
Yes culling affect the animation using animation component's property which is called Culling Type as Figure show.
Previously My all animation Culling type were selected to BasedOnRenderers that's why my some animation working while some were playing continuously. As I got that:
BasedOnRenderers: Animation is disabled when renderers are not visible.
This culling method is more suitable when you have renderers attached after import - it will take renderers (like mesh renderers, particle renderers and so on) attached to this gameObject or children of this game object.
while the option I now selected which have solve the Problem (Al-Hamdullilah) said:
Always Animate: Animation culling is disabled - object is animated even when offscreen.