I have a database catalog that is populated, and a cursor that can be used to retrieve objects. This catalog can obviously be very large, and what I\'d like to do is use
Your problem is here:
while (status == DbStatus.OK)
var dbObject= Db.Create(cursor);
status = cursor.MoveToNext();
That loop runs synchronously as soon as someone subscribes, in a blocking way. Since you're creating the subscription on the UI thread (at the time you call Connect), it will run the entire thing on the UI thread. Change it to:
return Observable.Create<DbObject>(obs =>
Observable.Start(() => {
var cursor = Database.Instance.GetAllObjects();
var status = cursor.MoveToFirst();
while (status == DbStatus.OK)
var dbObject= Db.Create(cursor);
status = cursor.MoveToNext();
}, RxApp.TaskPoolScheduler);
return Disposable.Empty;
Pending further information, my guess is you've got possibly several zero-length buffers depending on how long the DB query takes, followed by exactly one non-zero length buffer containing all the results. You're probably better off limiting buffer size by length as well as time.
EDIT - I just wanted to do an analysis of the various threads involved in the original implementation. I don't agree with Paul's analysis, I do not believe the UI Thread is blocked because of the DB query. I believe it's blocked due to large numbers of results being buffered.
Charlie - please, can you time the DB query in code (not with the debugger) and dump the buffer lengths you are getting too.
I will annotate the code to show the order of all three threads involved:
First of all, outside of the provided code, I am assuming a call is made to OnLoad
via the Loaded
(1) - UI Thread calls OnLoad
public ObservableCollection<DbObject> DbObjects { get; set; }
private async void OnLoad(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// (2) UI Thread enters OnLoad
var observableData = CatalogService.Instance.DataSource.Publish();
var chunked = observableData
// (6) Thread A OnNext passes into Buffer
// (7) Thread B, threadpool thread used by Buffer to run timer
var dispatcherObs = chunked
// (8) Thread B still
// (9) Non blocking OnNexts back to UI Thread
dispatcherObs.Subscribe(dbObjects =>
// (10) UI Thread receives buffered dbObjects
foreach (var dbObject in dbObjects)
// (11) UI Thread hurting while all these images are
// stuffed in the collection in one go - This is the issue I bet.
await Task.Run(() =>
// (3) Thread A - a threadpool thread,
// triggers subscription to DataSource
// UI Thread is *NOT BLOCKED* due to await
// (13) UI Thread - Dispatcher call back here at end of Create call
// (14) UI Thread - This task will be already completed
// It is causing a second subscription to the already completed published observable
await dispatcherObs.ToTask();
public class CatalogService
public IObservable<DbObject> DataSource
return Observable.Create<DbObject>(obs =>
// (4) Thread A runs Database query synchronously
var cursor = Database.Instance.GetAllObjects();
var status = cursor.MoveToFirst();
while (status == DbStatus.OK)
var dbObject= Db.Create(cursor);
// (5) Thread A call OnNext
status = cursor.MoveToNext();
// (12) Thread A finally completes subscription due to Connect()
return Disposable.Empty;
I think the issue is a large buffer unloading tons of results into the ObservableCollection in one go, creating a ton of work for the listbox.