I\'m using Laravel\'s encryptString method to encrypt some data on my website. This uses OpenSSL\'s 256-bit AES-CBC encryption without any serialization. I\'m now trying to decr
Full Working Code with MAC Validation
Adding to Gonzalo's submission, Laravel's encrypted message is a base64 json-encoded array consisting of the following key pairs:
'iv' => 'generated initialization vector (iv)',
'value' => 'encrypted, base64ed, signed value',
'mac' => 'message authentication code (mac)'
The 'value' is signed using a message authentication code (MAC) to verify that the value has not changed during transit.
The MAC extracted from the payload (encrypted message) should be checked against the mac extracted from the 'value' (this can be done using the key, iv, and value). Laravel's encryption scheme can be found on GitHub: src/Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php
Referencing a discussion thread on Laravel, I traced a partial solution on Github: orian/crypt.py (which is a fork of fideloper/crypt.py).
I have forked off of Orian's code and fixed an input parameter issue. The code works as expected as long as the encryption key (passed in as an input to decrypt()) is base64 decoded and does not include the 'base64:' that is typically prepended to the APP_KEY environmental variable string assignment found in the .env file.
Solution: pilatuspc12ng/crypt.py
The code snippet of the crypt.py is shown below:
import base64
import json
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from phpserialize import loads
import hashlib
import hmac
def decrypt(payload, key):
Decrypt strings that have been encrypted using Laravel's encrypter (AES-256 encryption).
Plain text is encrypted in Laravel using the following code:
>>> ciphertext = Crypt::encrypt('hello world');
The ciphertext is a base64's json-encoded array consisting of the following keys:
'iv' => 'generated initialization vector (iv)',
'value' => 'encrypted, base64ed, signed value',
'mac' => 'message authentication code (mac)'
The 'value' is signed using a message authentication code (MAC) so verify that the value has not changed during
payload (str): Laravel encrypted text.
key (str): Encryption key (base64 decoded). Make sure 'base64:' has been removed from string.
str: plaintext
data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(payload))
if not valid_mac(key, data):
return None
value = base64.b64decode(data['value'])
iv = base64.b64decode(data['iv'])
return unserialize(mcrypt_decrypt(value, iv, key)).decode("utf-8")
def mcrypt_decrypt(value, iv, key):
return crypt_object.decrypt(value)
def unserialize(serialized):
return loads(serialized)
def valid_mac(key, data):
dig = hmac.new(key, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
dig = dig.hexdigest()
return dig==data['mac']
Question: ...trying to decrypt that data in Python but I keep getting errors about key length
I can use your key
, in the code of the linked answer, after doing .b64decode(...
The example code .encode(...
and decode(...
works as expecte.
Conclusion: There is nothing wrong, with your Key!
key = b"/AZejP0lh3McL/+Vy5yZcADdTcR65qnx5Jqinuw7raK="
key = base64.b64decode(key)
But with your code, I got TypeError, related to the
parameter:expect_byte_string(iv) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/Crypto/Util/_raw_api.py", line 172, in expect_byte_string TypeError: Only byte strings can be passed to C code
Fixed with
IV = 16 * '\x00'.encode()
, results in ValueError, related toenc
:data = decobj.decrypt(base64.b64decode(enc)) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_cbc.py", line 209, in decrypt ValueError: Error 3 while decrypting in CBC mode
This leads to github issues:10
Error 3 means "ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA"
According to the linked GitHub page, you have to reread the documentation, about padding data while you are encoding.
Working example from GitHub:
import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
key = b"/AZejP0lh3McL/+Vy5yZcADdTcR65qnx5Jqinuw7raK="
key = base64.b64decode(key)
encryption_suite = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, b'This is an IV...')
cipher_text = encryption_suite.encrypt(pad(b'A really secret message...', BLOCK_SIZE))
decryption_suite = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, b'This is an IV...')
print(unpad(decryption_suite.decrypt(cipher_text), BLOCK_SIZE).decode())
>>> A really secret message...
Tested with Python: 3.4.2
I notice this haven't been active for a while but I'm trying to do the same and can't seem to make it work.
What I noticed is that the encoded password string stored by Laravel is a base 64 encoded json object, which wasn't taken into consideration in the original question:
pass_obj = base64.b64decode('eyJpdiI6ImdxY0VcLzFodmpISFV4allSWmJDdEpRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkxXd0ZJaUd2bTUweW5pNm0wUjQwOFM2N1wvWEs5SlYrNB4xNlR7Qkh1U3FvPSIsIm1hYyI6Ijc5ZWM0YTYxYjljZGFiNzgwNjY2NDU1ZmQ5Yjc1ZmJlOGU4NzBkMjQzMzA3MmVhYzE3NzY4ZmU1MWIyMjZlOTQifQ==')
>>> b'{"iv":"gqcE\\/1hvjHHUxjYRZbCtJQ==","value":"LWwFIiGvm50yni6m0R408S67\\/XK9JV+4\x1e16T{BHuSqo=","mac":"79ec4a61b9cdab780666455fd9b75fbe8e870d2433072eac17768fe51b226e94"}'
From that you can get the IV and the encrypted value, both seem to be base64 encoded. But I still get a decoding error at the end like;
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfa in position 0: invalid start byte
Here is my complete code;
key = 'some secret key that i can't share'.encode()
p_obj = json.loads(base64.b64decode(password).decode())
decobj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, base64.b64decode(p_obj['iv']))
data = decobj.decrypt(base64.b64decode(p_obj['value']))
>>> b'l\xee:f\x9eZ\x90rP\x99\xca&@\x1d1\x9f'
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xee in position 1: invalid continuation byte
@Pecans did you ever figure this out?
Thank you.
I fugured it out, I had a problem with my key initially. So here's the full snippet for future reference;
import base64
import json
from phpserialize import unserialize
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
key = b'my secret key'
p_obj = json.loads(base64.b64decode(password).decode())
decobj = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, base64.b64decode(p_obj['iv']))
data = decobj.decrypt(base64.b64decode(p_obj['value']))
dec_pass = unserialize(unpad(data, 16)).decode()
You will have the decrypted password in dec_pass.
Note that sometimes Laravel generates the key in base64. In that case the string will be something like base64:sdfsdjfhjsdf32
, then you have to decode first.