Trying to get a thread to change form controls in Windows Mobile.
Throws an unsupported exception.
Does this mean it cant be done at all?
If not, how do
You cannot access GUI items on a non-GUI thread. You will need to determine if an invocation is required to the GUI thread. For example (here's some I made earlier):
public delegate void SetEnabledStateCallBack(Control control, bool enabled);
public static void SetEnabledState(Control control, bool enabled)
if (control.InvokeRequired)
SetEnabledStateCallBack d = new SetEnabledStateCallBack(SetEnabledState);
control.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, enabled });
control.Enabled = enabled;
public delegate void AddListViewItemCallBack(ListView control, ListViewItem item);
public static void AddListViewItem(ListView control, ListViewItem item)
if (control.InvokeRequired)
AddListViewItemCallBack d = new AddListViewItemCallBack(AddListViewItem);
control.Invoke(d, new object[] { control, item });
You can then set the enabled property (from my first example) using ClassName.SetEnabledState(this, true);
You need to use the Control.InvokeRequired property as UI elements must be accessed from the main thread.
In your background thread you raise an event.
public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> MyApp_MyEvent;
this.MyApp_MyEvent(this, new MyEventArgs(MyArg));
In you main UI thread you subscribe to that event:
this.myThread.MyApp_MyEvent+= this.MyAppEventHandler;
and the handler itself:
private void MyApp_EventHandler(object sender, MyEventArgs e)
if (this.MyControl.InvokeRequired)
this.MyControl.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { this.MyAction(e.MyArg); });
See Also: