In Java there is a method splitByCharacterType that takes a string, for example 0015j8*(
, and split it into \"0015\",\"j\",\"8\",\"*\",\"(\"
. Is there
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitByCharacterType(string input)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));
StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();
var current = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(input[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < input.Length; i++)
var next = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(input[i]);
if (next == current)
yield return segment.ToString();
current = next;
yield return segment.ToString();
Usage as follows:
string[] split = SplitByCharacterType("0015j8*(").ToArray();
And the result is "0015","j","8","*","("
I recommend you implement as an extension method.
You could maybe use regex class, somthing like below, but you will need to add support for other chars other than numbers and letters.
var chars = Regex.Matches("0015j8*(", @"((?:""[^""\\]*(?:\\.[^""\\]*)*"")|[a-z]|\d+)").Cast<Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToArray();
Result 0015,J,8
I don't think that such method exist. You can follow steps as below to create your own utility method:
Define strings with all your character types e.g.
string numberString = "0123456789";
string specialChars = "~!@#$%^&*(){}|\/?";
string alphaChars = "abcde....XYZ";