sentence = \"ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country\"
sentList = sentence.split()
userWord = input(\"Pick a word
list.index accepts additional start index (and end index). Pass the index to find next matched item index.
if userWord in sentList:
i = 0
while True:
i = sentList.index(userWord, i) # <---
except ValueError: # will raise ValueError unless the item is found
i += 1
print("{} appears in the sentence in the {}th position".format(
userWord, i
The other answer is better. I left this one as an example of an alternative way.
according to the python documentation at
Index: Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is x. It is an error if there is no such item.
you should probably use a for loop (the easiest way) or probably it will be a good example of writing a generator.
for i,word in enumerate(sentList):
if userWord == word:
def checkLocation(index,userWord):
if index + 1 >= 4:
print (userWord, "appears in the sentence in the",index + 1,"th position")
index + 1 == 3:
print (userWord, "appears in the sentence in the",index + 1,"rd position")
index + 1 == 2:
print (userWord, "appears in the sentence in the",index + 1,"nd position")
index + 1 == 1:
print (userWord, "appears in the sentence in the",index + 1,"st position")