Can anyone guide me in converting the KDD 99
dataset,consisting of ip
packets in the following format to TCP
dump format?
From the KDD99 homepage:
The 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Program was prepared and managed by MIT Lincoln Labs. ... The 1999 KDD intrusion detection contest uses a version of this dataset.
Being somewhat familiar with the original DARPA dataset and with the information contained in a PCAP network capture file, I can tell you that the KDD99 data files contain nowhere near enough information to reconstruct a proper network capture file.
It seems that KDD99 is a boiled-down version of the DARPA IDEVAL98 data set, where only high-level operations, such as connections, are retained, instead of individual packets. If you need the actual network capture files, you should probably get the original DARPA IDEVAL data sets.