I have this program with a class DNA. The program counts the most frequent k-mer in a string. So, it is looking for the most common substring in a string with a length of k.
def most_frequent_substrings(str, k)
(0..str.size-k).each_with_object({}) do |i,h|
b = []
str[i..-1].scan(Regexp.new str[i,k]) { b << Regexp.last_match.begin(0) + i }
(h[b.size] ||= []) << b
end.max_by(&:first).last.each_with_object({}) { |a,h| h[str[a.first,k]] = a }
most_frequent_substrings(str, 4)
#=> {"ABBA"=>[0, 5, 14], "BBAB"=>[1, 6, 15]}
This shows that the most frequently-occurring 4-character substring of str
appears 3 times. There are two such substrings: "ABBA" and "BBAB". "ABBA" begins at offsets (into str
) 0, 5 and 14, "BBAB" substrings begin at offsets 1, 6 and 15.
For the example above the steps are as follows.
k = 4
n = str.size - k
#=> 20 - 4 => 16
e = (0..n).each_with_object([])
#<Enumerator: 0..16:each_with_object([])>
We can see the values that will be generated by this enumerator by converting it to an array.
#=> [[0, []], [1, []], [2, []], [3, []], [4, []], [5, []], [6, []], [7, []], [8, []],
# [9, []], [10, []], [11, []], [12, []], [13, []], [14, []], [15, []], [16, []]]
Note the empty array contained in each element will be modified as the array is built. Continuing, the first element of e
is passed to the block and the block variables are assigned using parallel assignment:
i,a = e.next
#=> [0, []]
i #=> 0
a #=> []
We are now considering the substring of size 4 that begins at str
offset i #=> 0
, which is seen to be "ABBA". Now the block calculation is performed.
b = []
r = Regexp.new str[i,k]
#=> Regexp.new str[0,4]
#=> Regexp.new "ABBA"
#=> /ABAB/
str[i..-1].scan(r) { b << Regexp.last_match.begin(0) + i }
#=> "ABBABABBABCATSABBABB".scan(r) { b << Regexp.last_match.begin(0) + i }
b #=> [0, 5, 14]
We next have
(h[b.size] ||= []) << b
which becomes
(h[b.size] = h[b.size] || []) << b
#=> (h[3] = h[3] || []) << [0, 5, 14]
Since h
has no key 3
, h[3]
on the right side equals nil
. Continuing,
#=> (h[3] = nil || []) << [0, 5, 14]
#=> (h[3] = []) << [0, 5, 14]
h #=> { 3=>[[0, 5, 14]] }
Notice that we throw away scan
's return value. All we need is b
This tells us the "ABBA" appears thrice in str
, beginning at offsets 0, 5 and 14.
Now observe
#=> [[0, [[0, 5, 14]]], [1, [[0, 5, 14]]], [2, [[0, 5, 14]]],
# ...
# [16, [[0, 5, 14]]]]
After all elements of e
have been passed to the block, the block returns
h #=> {3=>[[0, 5, 14], [1, 6, 15]],
# 1=>[[2], [3], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16]],
# 2=>[[4, 16], [5, 14], [6, 15]]}
Consider substrings that appear just once: h[1]
. One of those is [2]
. This pertains to the 4-character substring beginning at str
offset 2
#=> "BABA"
That is found to be the only instance of that substring. Similarly, among the substrings that appear twice is str[4,4] = str[16,4] #=> "BABB", given by h[2][0] #=> [4, 16]
Next we determine the greatest frequency of a substring of length 4:
c = h.max_by(&:first)
#=> [3, [[0, 5, 14], [1, 6, 15]]]
(which could also be written c = h.max_by { |k,_| k }
d = c.last
#=> [[0, 5, 14], [1, 6, 15]]
For convenience, convert d
to a hash:
d.each_with_object({}) { |a,h| h[str[a.first,k]] = a }
#=> {"ABBA"=>[0, 5, 14], "BBAB"=>[1, 6, 15]}
and return that hash from the method.
There is one detail that deserves mention. It is possible that d
will contain two or more arrays that reference the same substring, in which case the value of the associated key (the substring) will equal the last of those arrays. Here's a simple example.
str = "AAA"
k = 2
In this case the array d
above will equal
d = [[0], [1]]
Both of these reference str[0,2] #=> str[1,2] #=> "AA"
. In building the hash the first is overwritten by the second:
d.each_with_object({}) { |a,h| h[str[a.first,k]] = a }
#=> {"AA"=>[1]}
Something like this?
require 'set'
def count_kmer(k)
max_kmers = kmers(k)
.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |value, count| count[value] += 1 }
.group_by { |_,v| v }
[Set.new(max_kmers[1].map { |e| e[0] }), max_kmers[0]]
def kmers(k)
EDIT: Here's the full text of the class:
require 'set'
class DNA
def initialize (nucleotide)
@nucleotide = nucleotide
def length
def count_kmer(k)
max_kmers = kmers(k)
.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |value, count| count[value] += 1 }
.group_by { |_,v| v }
[Set.new(max_kmers[1].map { |e| e[0] }), max_kmers[0]]
def kmers(k)
attr_reader :nucleotide
This produces the following output, using Ruby 2.2.1, using the class and method you specified:
>> dna1 = DNA.new('AACCAATCCG')
=> #<DNA:0x007fe15205bc30 @nucleotide="AACCAATCCG">
>> dna1.count_kmer(1)
=> [#<Set: {"A", "C"}>, 4]
>> dna1.count_kmer(2)
=> [#<Set: {"AA", "CC"}>, 2]
As a bonus, you can also do:
>> dna1.kmers(2)
=> ["AA", "AC", "CC", "CA", "AA", "AT", "TC", "CC", "CG"]