I have had AdMob working fine with test ads for the last 6 months on a new iOS game. Now I want to release it, I switch to using the live AdUnitIds that I have setup in Admob, b
So ads are finally working!
I eventually took the step of releasing my new game (I used manual release in the App Store and had been waiting 10 days but no ads showed).
18 hours after appearing in the App Store, ads started working.
More thoughts and observations:
I did not link AdMob to the App Store (I still haven’t), but interestingly my game does now appear in AdMobs search, so I can link it, so linking is not required.
So what actually caused ads to start working? It’s either:
A) AdMob detect the app is actually in the App Store.
B) The game got 5 or so new people using it, so ads were requested from a few different IP addresses)and this triggers AdMob to serve ads.
C) It takes 10 days after switching from test ads to Live for ads to work
My theory is it’s A (especially as I can see Disc Drop in Admob’s search).