I have a html page with two CSS files - one for a light theme and one for a dark theme. When I click the respective button, the theme changes to either light.css or dark.css.
If you don't want to use back-end methods to substitute the style.css file, you can try using local storage like this:
If you don't want to use back-end methods to substitute the style.css file, you can try using local storage like this:
function setSiteTheme(themeName) {
//Uncomment this in your app: window.localStorage.setItem('themeName', themeName);
$('link[data-theme]').attr('href', themeName);
function getSiteTheme() {
//Uncomment this in your app: return window.localStorage.getItem('themeName') || 'light.css';
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css?version=5a6992221f52c" data-theme>
After that add DATA-THEME attribute to the link tag of the head. And don't forget to uncomment necessary lines.
You can use a cookie, localStorage or sessionStorage where you keep the default theme and the choosen one. So when your page loads you have to read that info from cookie/localStorage/sessionStorage and to apply the chosen theme.
e.g when page is loading
let theme = localStorage.getElement('theme');
theme = 'light';
localStorage.setElement('theme', 'light');
// and you use theme variable to load the light theme
e.g when the user changes the theme
localStorage.setElement('theme', 'dark');
theme = 'dark';