I\'m trying to access an FTP server through an FTP SITE Proxy to bypass a firewall using it.sauronsoftware.ftp4j.FTPClient
I know my username/password is correct be
Check password property name. It's name is ftp.proxyPassword, and not ftp.proxyPass.
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyUser", "proxyUser");
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyPassword", "proxyPass");
Try it and let us know your results!
I found the solution...
I discovered that the FTP client was responding with a different response code:
200-User <username> authenticated by FireWall-1 authentication
In the source code of FTPProxyConnector
, a response code of anything other than the regular
230-Connected to server. Logging in...
will throw an error.
I had to decompile the class file for FTPProxyConnector
and then modify the source code, then recompile and save it back to the jar. Worked like a charm.
Check password property name. It's name is ftp.proxyPassword, and not ftp.proxyPass.
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyUser", "proxyUser");
System.setProperty("ftp.proxyPassword", "proxyPass");
Try it and let us know your results!